Search Results for 'Colm Keaveney'

90 results found.

Local Fianna Fail members ‘lukewarm’ over Martin’s deal with former critic Keaveney

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“It smacks of ‘Candle In The Wind’ by Elton John!” the source said. “Colm Keaveney is all over the shop. I don’t know of anybody in Fianna Fáil who agrees with this.”

Local Fianna Fail members ‘lukewarm’ over Martin’s deal with former critic Keaveney

Suspicion and not enthusiasm in local Fianna Fail circles, has greeted the entry into the party of controversial TD Colm Keaveney, who had been seeking the move since early September.

Galway West’s Brian Walsh to figure in new political party?

Dissident Fine Gael TD Brian Walsh could find himself as a key member of a new political party in Ireland, but its possible formation depends on a vote facing the Dáil in the autumn.

Anti-abortion TDs accused of ‘disregarding the lives of women’

Five of County Galway’s nine TDs have shown a “disregard for the lives of women in their constituency”, by voting against the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill.

Keaveney jumps ship from labour

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“The more I articulate the views of members, or try to facilitate a discussion of real Labour policy, I am seen as a problem, a difficulty, an inconvenience...I can no longer go along with what is increasingly like a political charade.”

Keaveney jumps ship from labour

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“The more I articulate the views of members, or try to facilitate a discussion of real Labour policy, I am seen as a problem, a difficulty, an inconvenience...I can no longer go along with what is increasingly like a political charade.”

Poll makes frightening reading for Labour

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Whenever a politician appears on television, banging a table and declaring, “The people will decide!” it is a clear indication s/he has no idea how a vote will go, but wants to make it seem as if s/he will be on the winning side.

Poll shows Labour will lose both seats in Galway

Labour looks set to lose its seats in Galway East and Galway West according to an independent poll carried out for the Galway Advertiser which shows the party on a dismal six per cent support rate.

Poll shows Labour will lose both seats in Galway

Labour looks set to lose its seats in Galway East and Galway West according to an independent poll carried out for the Galway Advertiser which shows the party on a dismal six per cent support rate.

Future of rural post offices requires a holistic approach says Deputy Keaveney

In a response to recent revelations indicating that up to 400 rural post offices could be facing closure, Deputy Colm Keaveney has remarked that closing these local services could prove detrimental for social and environmental costs. "It is critical that in dealing with our current fiscal difficulties that we remember that the calculation of the cost of any reforms must include external factors such as social or environmental costs. In this case, rural post offices form a vital part in our rural communities and the calculation of the savings from any reform must take the social costs of the closure of post offices into account.”


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